Digital Cultural Heritage

Home / Undergraduate Studies / Courses / F semester / Digital Cultural Heritage

MCR701 Digital Cultural Heritage

Professor: Markos KATSIANIS

This course explores the application of digital media in the field of Cultural Heritage. It provides a survey of the range of digital applications that have emerged over the last 50 years to explore, analyze, manage and interpret cultural heritage. The distinctive elements of digital media are summarised and the main technologies and application fields are presented. Emphasis is on electronic databases, new digital imaging techniques, 3D Scanning and Printing, Virtual and Augmented Reality Systems, Geographical Information Systems, Building Information Systems and Historical Games. Their discussion looks at their research benefits while critically examining issues of accuracy, authenticity and validity in the resulting virtual representations of the past. This overview concludes with the consideration of the challenges posed by the integration of new digital media into all aspects of the study and communication practices of cultural heritage (e.g. big data, cultural property issues, long-term data preservation).


  1. Βιβλίο [11752]: Πολιτιστική αναπαράσταση, Παπαγεωργίου Δημήτρης, Μυριβήλη Ελένη, Μπουμπάρης Νίκος Λεπτομέρειες
  2. Βιβλίο [12671]: Η τεχνολογία στην υπηρεσία της πολιτισμικής κληρονομιάς, Α. Μπούνια, Ν. Νικονάνου, Μ. Οικονόμου Λεπτομέρειες
  3. Βιβλίο [31809]: Νέες τεχνολογίες στις αρχαιογνωστικές επιστήμες, Λυριτζής Ιωάννης (επιμ.) Λεπτομέρειες
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