
Erasmus+ (2014-2020), also called Erasmus Plus, is the new EU funding program for education, training, youth and sport. The new Erasmus+ programme combines all the EU’s past schemes including the Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig), Youth in Action and five international cooperation programmes (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink and the programme for cooperation with industrialised countries).

The University of Patras participates in the Erasmus+ programme, and has conducted c. 200 Bilateral Agreements with higher education institutions all over Europe that facilitate the mobility of students, teaching and administrative staff. Undergraduate courses in English are available in Primary Education and in the Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education. In Master level, Departments of Civil Engineering and Chemical Engineering offer courses in English. In all other fields Erasmus students follow individual study programmes, with private tutoring. The faculty member in charge of a course prepares a study program for the exchange students enrolled in his/her course based on English resources (books, the internet etc). Students are assessed by a written exam (in English) or project(s) development and in some cases by both.

There are also courses offered in German, French and Spanish

ECTS is applicable.

In the context of Erasmus+, the Department cooperates with the following universities:

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